
Some SXSWi leftovers

Here are some great tidbits from SXSWi panels and trade shows I want to share:

Jay Smooth‘s advice actually came in handy on my last night in Austin, when we were witness to a scuffle near the convention center and one of the involved accused me of being the suspect’s “fucking bitch” girlfriend (she was forced to flee the scene earlier) simply because I’m also Asian.

LOLCAT Bible Project: Genesis 1

Meet teh ceiling cat, creator of teh universe. The LOLCat Bible Project was one of the most hilarious examples of self-reference from Tim Hwang‘s State of the Memescape panel. And if you’re really wondering how a ceiling cat can exist when there is so much roadkill in this world, ask him. srsly.

You know when people name their Facebook photo albums after lyrics in songs (i.e.: my friend’s latest FB album: I want you on my team… So does everybody else)? That’s technically copyright infringement. Rip! A Remix Manifesto will light a fire under you., a great resource for anybody into self-publishing and a bit of DIY ingenuity. I might be a little biased here because I’m a print geek, but this is brilliant! It was my favorite discovery by far at the SXSWi tradeshow!pew-launch_logo

An oldie-but-goody: Pew Internet & American Life Project. Pew is like the equivalent of MacGyver‘s basic duct-tape-in-back-pocket, except for social media experts.

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